We made it to SouthPort NC May 31, 2015

The month of May was one of great activity. Unfortunately my Verizon cell-phone hotspot does not have enough ump to open our catamaran ‘s blog site for uploads. We enjoyed more docks on the way back than during the way down. We were able to enjoy the Eau Gallie Yacht Club facility and cool off in their pool.   Getting …

Eclipse and other events- Marathon Fl

The Lunar Eclipse was April 4th. Diann slept in as I got up for the eclipse. I wish I’d gotten up earlier so as to have seen the lead up to the eclipse. Still, it was a pretty cool event to witness from one’s own catamaran sailboat in a harbor of over two hundred additional boats.   As typical, there’s …

Crane Point- Marathon Fl

Crane Point exceeded my expectations- both in scale of facility and diversity of content. Yes, I read of the “63 acres” and the information concerning two houses and a museum, yet, I wasn’t prepared for the depth of the experience. The museum and information center is in a structure which was built by the Cranes to house their native American …

Kyocera Solar / eMarine

Our Gemini catamaran sailboat didn’t have solar power when we bought her. And for that I am glad. If there had been solar, we would probably have gotten by with whatever unit was on board. But new technology is allowing superior power for less dollars! Knowing how much one can see at the Miami Boat Show, we had waited to …

The Turtle Hospital- Marathon Fl

There’s not much drama evident when you pass by the buildings of The Turtle Hospital in Marathon. The buildings, which are former motel structures and a former night club facility, have been painted a soft green color and are obviously well maintained. The parking area is spacious and covered in water absorbing gravel. Inside, however, there is a wondrous amount …

Boot Key Harbor- Marathon Fl

Yacht A Fun, our Gemini catamaran sailboat, arrived in Boot Key Harbor on Thursday March 5th . Our first benefit was having our holding tank pumped. Other benefits have followed. Comparing the Marathon City Marina complex to the Coconut Grove / Miami City Marina complex is pretty straight forward. The most significant difference we have experienced is the lack of …

Blog Interuptus- March 2015

My blogging has had a bit of “interuptus” of late. That’s in part due to research visits to local attractions and writing advertorials for the Hickory NC paper and due to boat work performed and getting a bad cold and also having a touch of what’s fondly called Key’s Disease (when you just get lazy and a bit irresponsible). A …

Sombrero Beach- Marathon Fl

Diann and I got off our Gemini sailing catamaran and drove our Jeep Wrangler over to Sombrero Beach. But not before stopping by Publix for picnic food items. Sombrero Beach is large, clean, and has two sets of restrooms. We had hoped to find some form of dinghy dockage on site. The only pier is a pedestrian spot with signs …

Fish Tales Restaurant- Marathon FL

Diann and I had been in search of upholstery adhesive to complete the solar panel wiring work that was done within the port berth closet of our Gemini catamaran sailboat. The fabric liner had to be pulled back to allow proper installation, and protection, of the new panel’s wiring. (This is the type thing that makes boat work continuous. What …

Sparky’s Landing- Key Colony / Marathon Fl.

Yacht A Fun, our Gemini sailing catamaran, is moored in the Marathon Florida Dinner Key Mooring Field.  It was therefore easy for me to attend the Wednesday meeting of the local Rotary Club. The Rotary visit resulted in me meeting John Bartus, Club President, and past Mayor of Marathon. John is a musician, along with being publisher of a local …