Sometime in the summer, about 1957, my parents took me on a two week camping trip to Ft. Fisher. I was 5 years old. The first night did not go well as my Dad had staked the tent in sand. Winds picked up, during the night, and collapsed the tent as the stakes were pulled up from the …
Wooden Boat Show- Sept 26th 2015
The Southport Wooden Boat Show was coming to a conclusion when I left our Gemini sailing catamaran Yacht A Fun. Make it I did, though. The boats were parked at the area close to the old wharf having restaurants including The Provisioning Company and Fishy Fishy. By the time I arrived, close-in parking wasn’t too hard to find. The boats …
Crane Point- Marathon Fl
Crane Point exceeded my expectations- both in scale of facility and diversity of content. Yes, I read of the “63 acres” and the information concerning two houses and a museum, yet, I wasn’t prepared for the depth of the experience. The museum and information center is in a structure which was built by the Cranes to house their native American …
The Turtle Hospital- Marathon Fl
There’s not much drama evident when you pass by the buildings of The Turtle Hospital in Marathon. The buildings, which are former motel structures and a former night club facility, have been painted a soft green color and are obviously well maintained. The parking area is spacious and covered in water absorbing gravel. Inside, however, there is a wondrous amount …
Sombrero Beach- Marathon Fl
Diann and I got off our Gemini sailing catamaran and drove our Jeep Wrangler over to Sombrero Beach. But not before stopping by Publix for picnic food items. Sombrero Beach is large, clean, and has two sets of restrooms. We had hoped to find some form of dinghy dockage on site. The only pier is a pedestrian spot with signs …
Arts Festival Coconut Grove- Feb 15th, 2015
The most significant benefit to being in Coconut Grove / Miami is the proximity to so many events and festivals to enjoy. From the Dinner Key Mooring field, it was a short dingy ride from our Gemini catamaran sailboat to the dock, which adjoined the festival event. Diann and I interrupted our boat show activities to “do the Arts Festival” …
Miami Boat Show 2015
There is a scale, and flavor, of the Miami Boat Show that makes it the premiere boating event of every year. Over 5,000 boats and exhibitors will come together this year to provide displays of their latest offerings. The dates are February 12th thru 16th. The 12th is Premiere Day and generally less crowded than the other days, in part …
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