Arts Festival Coconut Grove- Feb 15th, 2015

Over 15,000 people attended The Coconut Grove Arts Festival  that day

Over 15,000 people attended The Coconut Grove Arts Festival that day

During the festival, this intersection was full of vendors and people

During the festival, this intersection was full of vendors and people

The most significant benefit to being in Coconut Grove / Miami is the proximity to so many events and festivals to enjoy. From the Dinner Key Mooring field, it was a short dingy ride from our Gemini catamaran sailboat to the dock, which adjoined the festival event.

Diann and I interrupted our boat show activities to “do the Arts Festival” that Sunday.

The pictorial sums up the event but does not do justice to the volume of food vendors, nor convey the quality of band music.


Artists apply to participate.  Not all are accepted.

Artists apply to participate. Not all are accepted.


0215 blue shark


0215 glass face



one of the simpler food displays

one of the simpler food displays



Prices of beer

Prices of beer



Table clean Up was by Boy Scouts

Table clean Up was by Boy Scouts



kid's activities were varied

kid’s activities were varied



Many plants were for sale

Many plants were for sale


0215 hanging plant info



Diann listens to one of the bands

Diann listens to one of the bands





Sunset afterward

Sunset afterward








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