Written October 25th 2004

Oct 25th 2004              Today has been another of those REALTOR days which causes concerns about properly funding “the jump”. The townhouse which was to close a week from today is now probably not going to close. It doesn’t matter why (though the reason of the Buyer is absurd), what matters is that my poor Seller will have had only two contracts on the unit in almost a year- and both Buyers have backed out within a week of closing. Secondarily, I won’t get paid some $5,000+.

Think of that money as the down payment on our slip at Oriental, or a cluster of electronics, or five months of food and fuel for our cruising kitty. However you count it- a lost sale is a bear to have to reconcile into the cruising fund.

On the other hand, if we were living on board, our expenses would be a bit less than they are now and we would be “there”- not working towards being there.

I spent Saturday evening and a bit of Sunday afternoon, at Diann’s parents, designing a logo for the future catamaran. (Now doesn’t that seem wasted effort in light of the probable loss of the townhouse sale?) The name will probably be YachtAFun with a silhouette of a catamaran as the background. Colors will be royal blue and yellow gold. I haven’t decided on which color will be the font and which the background.

Diann and I have bought a duplex and are in the process of remodeling it for our retirement fund. I’ve come home to change into my painting clothes and since I’m waiting on her arrival before I head to my “second job”, thought I’d catch up on my entries to this material.

It’s days like today that cause confused seas for those who try to get on plane to cruising. We’ll get there. But my guess is it won’t be on a new custom 44 foot cat!