New Bern Sun Set October 15th 2016

When Diann and I arrived to the New Bern Grand Marina back in July, we had been told that we might have to move the catamaran to another slip.

Oh how we loved being close to the marina office and showers!

Sure ‘nough, the winter boat confirmed his annual slip- and so we moved to B dock on Saturday.

Yacht a Fun can be seen on the marina web cam.  Our Gemini is the second boat on the right as you come down the ramp.

Thank goodness the sunset views will be great.

The iPhone-4 captured the last bit of sunset as dinner simmered

The iPhone-4 captured the last bit of sunset as dinner simmered

The extra two minutes to walk to the showers will be offset by Zoey the girl dog having an almost private patch of grass which is just up the ramp!

Cruising in place in New Bern NC.  emoji-happy


The story / blog of Yacht A Fun, a Gemini catamaran sailboat, traveling the ICW and east coast with insights to the extended cruising life. New Bern Grand Marina sunset

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