Having turned tail on Sunday from heavy seas at Miami’s Governors Cut- we returned to Biscayne Bay to wait for smoother conditions for heading north. The wait was worth it. Thursday morning Biscayne Bay was almost glasslike. No time during our 2015 / 2019 visits (totaling 3+ months) did we have such smooth conditions. Generally there is always some chop, and or roll, at the Dinner Key Mooring.

Sunday morning waves were breaking against the jetty as we passed thru. Note how smooth the inlet and ocean were on Thursday.
NOAA forecast seas at 2’ or less for Thursday. Sure enough they were. The ride to Ft. Lauderdale was a very gentle roll. By going offshore we didn’t have to deal with seven bridge openings on the ICW.
Just before the Port Everglades inlet we had an unusual sighting.
I’m sorry to say we missed photographing the breaking wave and surge wave near Ft. Lauderdale- though within that smooth water. Since the Navy was having tests of remote controlled vessels, we think one of them was a medium sized submarine. Nothing else could explain a progressing white capped breaking wave of continuous length, followed with a two foot short period roller. That wave combo only occurred once. One would have thought we had been passed by an invisible top water 40’ boat.
The story / blog of senior citizens, Alex and Diann, on board Yacht A Fun, their Gemini catamaran sailboat. They are traveling the ICW and east coast with insights to the extended cruising life. They offer the book “Your Boat as a Business” at www.Amazon.com/dp/1720656452 This post is about smooth ocean water