I referred to her this morning as “baby girl”. Our white Pomeranian, Dottie, is aged 12 and suffering from seizures. I held her this morning as she had a particularly long experience. To say I was conflicted is an understatement. Being there to comfort her was a heart warming experience. Knowing that she will miss our transition to the boat provided an element of sadness.
She had enjoyed time on our Catalina 30. When it had been time to go to our marina, she’d jump and bark as I said one word with a questioning tone – “boat”. Diann and I bought an Avon dingy (in 2004) so we could get to shore for her, and for our other Pom, Sable.
Life’s transition- all the more reason to get on board while Diann and I are still able!
This morning is tool packing day. Three categories of boxes will be used- boat maintenance necessity; routine household use; and property maintenance items; including mixed fasteners and paint.
Post Script- Dottie died in the wee hours after Halloween. I’m still a bit sad that I wasn’t awake to hold her as she passed.

Our poms Sable and dottie. They loved to go to the boat. They passed before we transitioned to Yacht A Fun