The first week of November, while still stuck in Oriental, NC I posted a blog about a Cold Snap. That “snap” became a whip ( as in whipper snapper) that lasted thru about three nights ago. it was wonderful to wear shorts yesterday!
This morning our Gemini catamaran is anchored in the Duplin River awaiting Noon departure.
We are delaying arrival to the Little Mud River since The Waterway Guide is specific to shoaling issues when entering Altamaha Sound. Having run aground two days ago, we are very cognizant of how subtle a quick grounding can sneak into one’s day.
Duplin River is across Doboy Sound’s ICW entrance at marker #178. It should be a quick crossing. We passed on the New Teakettle Creek anchorage last night for proximity and width reasons. Duplin River is wider (about 600 feet across) and currents should be less since Duplin is not connected thru marsh water to Sapelo Sound, as is Teakettle. With good swing room we set one anchor last night with 8 to one scope.
We’ll determine in advance, and record on our paper charts, compass bearings today for wide water crossings. We found that the iPad’s “Skipper” charting application gets unresponsive when cell tower signals become weak.
Our goal is St. Simon’s for this evening. Perhaps a stay at the Morningstar Marina there and shopping in the morning via courtesy car.
Comments 1
I have become addicted to your updates! Good to see the weather is cooperating better now!