Early to bed resulted in an early rise. Total solitude…………….
This kind of morning reinforces the reasons that the extended cruising lifestyle is worth the inconveniences which are simply part of having a floating home. The sunrise was my reward for getting up; stepping off our catamaran; walking a damp boardwalk; and bagging the results of Zoey’s morning grass walk.
If we were living at our previous home, I’d have simply opened the back door and let Zoey roam in our fenced yard- but I’d not have experienced what is seen in the above images. Nor would I have previously interacted with fellow cruisers on the 1999 Leopard 38 catamaran tied to the Deep Point Marina transient dock.
Today’s writing activity will result in completing a children’s book to be available thru CreateSpace and Amazon. Once the cover and interior files have been double checked, the book will be printed as a Proof copy and shipped to me for final review. The book is about Zoey’s First Big Boat Trip. When published Zoey and I will give a try at having a sales table at a local venue.

Her toes are too small to reach the computer keys for typing. So, she told me the story and I typed it for her!
Zoey is so popular, I’m sure she’ll have more than a handful of fans!
The story / blog of Yacht A Fun, a Gemini catamaran sailboat, traveling the ICW and east coast with insights to the extended cruising life. Deep Point Marina