Let’s have a whirlwind——–
Up at 6:45AM
Picked up a rental car at the New Bern Airport.
Went to Mitchell’s Hardware for stainless steel specialty items to make working on the Westebeke Impeller easier.
Drove to Oriental and dropped the rental off at Deaton’s Marine where we will become work on the boat- and live on it on “the hard”.
Diann joined me in the Jeep and we went to Village Storage to pick up the Avon dinghy we had earlier repaired. But first we had to mount the 15hp four stroke to the transom. We went to Banks Sails and loaded the repaired sails into the dinghy. Then we got to travel 45 minutes back to Fairfield Harbor to Yacht A Fun to pick up items we earlier forgot- including the propeller for the dinghy motor.
Drove to the Fairfield Marina and launched the Avon. Motored to Yacht A Fun and tied up to the side. Dropped the Alliance dinghy into the water. Towed the Alliance to the launch- again backed down the ramp. Loaded the Alliance.
Diann drove the trailer with Sea Doo and Alliance back to Yacht A Fun. I drove the Avon back to meet her. We raised the Avon onto the davit system- and returned to oriental Village storage with the trailer. Tarped the two boats and drove to Deaton’s.
Then we took a shower at Deaton’s facility.
Rested, and realizing we’d never make it to the airport to return the car that evening- we went to Toucan’s for dinner.
Then we drove forty five minutes back to Yacht a Fun to rest.