It was Sunday. The Jeep had been serviced and the afternoon was free of work opportunities in that the “Slap Stoppers” for our Gemini catamaran’s bridge deck were still curing in preparation for final shaping and fairing.
Diann and I chose to drive north on US Hwy 70 to its very end- the working docks at the town of Atlantic, NC. Atlantic’s population is just under 600 people.
One can’t get any further on Cedar Island than the NC Ferry Terminal and Wildlife launch facility. Diann, Zoey the Girl Dog, and I enjoyed a pause at the launch site. And……..returned to the boat for rest for the upcoming boat tasks.
The story / blog of Yacht A Fun, a Gemini catamaran sailboat, traveling the ICW and east coast with insights to the extended cruising life. Cedar Island & town of Atlantic