Work within the stern starboard locker continues on Yachtafun, our Gemini sailing catamaran. The new water heater has a “normal” drip from the pressure / purge valve. So, a drip pan is needed to keep the resulting water contained until sopped up.
It also makes sense to have a drip pan under the generator so that oil changes don’t create drips onto the water heater.
The aluminum supports had been painted with a gray colored self etching primer to minimize galvanic corrosion of the steel plates of the new vibration isolators of the generator.
The water heater is now stabilized with foam blocks for and aft + diagonal Zip Ties inside rubber tube chafe guard. The tubes are re-purposed bicycle inner tubes.

The water heater is not screwed to the locker floor as that would penetrate into the sealed hull. So other stabilization had to be done. An eight gallon water heater could move in heavy seas.
Having rubber roofing material to re-purpose, I used long Zip Ties to secure the folded rubber. The result is a pouch that will hold paper towels while the oil is changed, or added. Tightening the zip ties required an improvised tool.

The wrench sits on top of the zip tie “box”. The vice grips are clamped onto the shortened (cut off) end of the tie after being tightened by hand. Closing the tools similarly to a pair of pliers does the trick.
With these efforts completed, our Gemini sailing catamaran’s genset reinstall will begin as soon as a sunny day provides a dry opportunity.
Once installed, it will be time to review all those “before photos” so I can hook up the DC wires, the AC wires, the cooling water pump, and the fuel source. The generator ran before removal. The “final exam” is whether it runs after all my tinkering!!